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Satoyama: Japan's Secret Watergarden documentary

Satoyama - Japan's Secret WatergardenEach home has a built in pool or water tank that lies partly inside, partly outside its’ walls… A continuous stream of spring water is piped right into a basin, so freshwater is always available. People rinse out pots in the tank and clean their freshly picked vegetables. If they simply pour the food scraps back in the water, they risk polluting the whole village supply. However, carp can scour out even the greasy or burnt pans. They do the washing up in Satoyama villages. This traditional arrangement is called the riverside method. It’s used all over Japan. Cleaned up by the carp, the tank water eventually rejoins the channel.
Imagine a realm where the season's rhythms rule, where centuries of agriculture and fishing have reshaped the land, yet where people and nature remain in harmony. Sangoro Tanaka lives in just such a paradise. At 83, he's the guardian of one of Japan's secret watergardens.
Over a thousand years, towns and villages have developed a unique system to make springs and water part of their homes. From inside their houses, the stream pours into Japan’s largest fresh water lake, near the ancient capital of Kyoto. This is a habitat so precious, the Japanese have a special word for it, satoyama, villages where mountains give way to plains. They are exceptional environments essential to both the people who maintain them and to the wildlife that now share them.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 104 min)

Man Made: Bugatti Veyron Super Car documentary

Man Made: Bugatti Veyron Super CarThe car is named after French racing driver Pierre Veyron, who won the 24 hours of Le Mans in 1939 while racing for the original Bugatti company. It was named Car of the Decade (2000--2009) by the BBC television programme Top Gear.
The Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4 is a mid-engined grand touring car. The Super Sport version is the fastest car in the world, with a top speed of 431.072 km/h (267.856 mph).
The original version has a top speed of 408.47 km/h (253.81 mph). Designed and developed by the German Volkswagen Group and produced by Bugatti Automobiles SAS at their headquarters in Château St. Jean in Molsheim (Alsace, France), the Veyron's chief designer was Hartmut Warkuss, and the exterior was designed by Jozef Kaba? of Volkswagen, with much of the engineering work being conducted under the guidance of former Peterbilt engineer and now Bugatti Engineering chief Wolfgang Schreiber.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 43 minutes)

Cloning the First Human documentary

Cloning the First HumanDoctors Panayiotis Zavos and Severino Antinori claim they are ready to embark on the greatest human experiment of our age. They say they will attempt to clone a human being. Most people think the objections to this are ethical – human cloning would create many moral dilemmas.
There is another question that few ever ask: is the science actually ready yet for cloning healthy humans? Horizon follows the latest research, which has led many scientists to believe that Zavos and Antinori’s plans to clone the first human could end in tragedy. The program also meets couples who think cloning offers them the only way to raise a child who is truly their own.
For decades, cloning remained within the realms of science fiction. The idea that instead of combining a sperm and an egg, a new human could be made from a single cell taken from an adult, seemed completely absurd. But that all changed in February 1997 when Dolly the sheep became the first animal cloned from an adult.
Ever since Dolly, scientists have been continuing to experiment with cloning animals. So far, they have succeeded with a lot of side effects in cloning sheep, cattle, pigs, goats and mice, fueling the belief that humans could be next. You might also want to watch Human Cloning here at TDF.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 48 minutes)

Known Universe: Decoding the Skies documentary

Known Universe: Decoding the Skies
How our ancient forbearers decoded the night sky and built the foundations of civilization. Not with the help of ancient astronauts but through their own perseverance and innate intellect.
Our ancestors' relationship with the heavens led to some of mankind's ancient discoveries and greatest creations.
The ancient Greeks discovered Earth was round; the Polynesians used the sun and stars to navigate vast oceans in simple canoes; some think amazing structures like Stonehenge were designed to observe the sky.
Now, Known Universe examines mankind's first observations of the cosmos to understand how they put us on the path to modern discovery.

Watch the full documentary now


2057: The City of the Future documentary

2057: The City of the FutureWhat would you see and experience if the clocks rolled forward 50 years? In a unique blend of drama and science, this three-part series shows you the world of tomorrow. Will we have flying cars? Will advances in medicine help us stay young forever? What about "printing" custom-made vital organs? What will our cities look like? What will tomorrow's wars be about? Will we have robots helping around the house? Will solar power be the new oil?
Supported by the world's leading scientists and research institutes, we embark on a quest to answer some of society's most fundamental questions and reveal the dramas of tomorrow's world along the way. State-of-the-art computer graphics in combination with a dynamic story line will create a world usually only seen in feature films, but with the accuracy and relevance of a documentary. This series is all about opening the window of our future based on science fact, not science fiction.
Watch the full documentary now

Universe: The Cosmology Quest documentary

Universe: The Cosmology QuestMost of us are intrigued by questions to do with the origin and evolution of the universe. Where do we come from? Where are we going?
These are fundamental questions. But no one knows the answers. In the last few years there have been many claims that we are finally getting a true answer.
It is that the universe and all of the matter and energy out of which we are created was created in a great explosion about 15 billion years ago. This was the big bang. Most scientists will agree with this but there are a few of us, expert in the field, who understand that we still really don't know. This is the story of the few.
Most astronomical theory is arrived at in personal meetings between members of an influential elite. This film gives an opportunity to hear and see, first hand, the arguments which contradict the currently accepted paradigms.
Listen and reflect as researchers discuss discoveries which do not reach the news media, and public at large. See the evidence for a completely different universe. Discover together with many prominent workers in the field, what this universe looks like, and how it works.
It is amazing that this film got made considering the animosity towards alternative ideas in the field. It would appear that Meyers has become the Michael Moore of the science documentary!
This feature length presentation is a unique mixture of human interest and science documentary film. As the first comprehensive documentary to deal with major new approaches in non-bing bang cosmologies, it reveals several deep-rooted theoretical and observational controversies.
This is a fact, well hidden from university students and the general public, which is told with clarity and conviction: and potentially leading to the down-fall of the presiding Big Bang theory.
The story is told by 16 world renown astronomers and cosmologist such as the legendary Sir Fred Hoyle, controversial cosmologists Geoffrey Burbidge and Halton Arp, philosopher and telescope designer John Dobson, astronomers Jack Sulentic, Jean-Claude Pecker, and Margaret Burbidge.
Illustrated with 3D animations and a lush symphonic soundtrack -this film is a scientific and historical "must" for anyone interested in astronomy and cosmology today.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 1 hour, 47 minutes)

Wright Brothers' Flying Machine documentary

Wright Brothers' Flying MachineOn December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright became the first to make a controlled and sustained flight in a power-driven, heavier-than-air craft. Though not formally trained in the field of engineering, the brothers approached the problem of flight as would any well-trained engineer. Using a thorough and systematic approach, they were able to solve three key challenges that kept all other would-be flyers aground.
First, there was the issue of lift. When the brothers found the existing data on lift inaccurate, they collected their own data, making use of a wind tunnel that they designed and built themselves. Then there was the control of an aircraft. While others saw their crafts as being inherently stable, the Wrights knew that the opposite was true; they knew that a successful aircraft would have to continually make adjustments in response to changes in wind speed and direction.
Finally, there was propulsion. Before the Wrights, there was no detailed data on propeller design. Again with the help of their wind tunnel, they developed a propeller that was far more efficient than any other then in existence. In fact, their propeller design has remained virtually unchanged to this day.
This interactive feature describes the Wrights' 1903 Flyer, including how they used the plane's controls to maneuver their craft.
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Here Be Dragons Documentary

Here Be Dragons 
Here Be Dragons is a video introduction to critical thinking. Most people fully accept paranormal and pseudoscientific claims without critique as they are promoted by the mass media.
Here Be Dragons offers a toolbox for recognizing and understanding the dangers of pseudoscience, and appreciation for the reality-based benefits offered by real science.
Here Be Dragons is written and presented by Brian Dunning, host and producer of the Skeptoid podcast, author of Skeptoid: Critical Analysis of Pop Phenomena, and Executive Producer of The Skeptologists.
Watch the full documentary now


Secrets of The Mind Documentary

Secrets Of The Mind

In Secrets of the Mind we gain insights through                     
various tragedies that have affected others,
 thanks to the logic and insights of Professor
 Ramachandran regarding what he calls the
most complex organized matter in the universe.
documentary begins with "phantom limb syndrome
" - pain and sensation in missing body areas.
Ramachandran's reasoning, confirmed through a
CAT-scan, is that the brain has a map of various
 body areas, and that eg. the right arm and
right face areas of the brain are adjacent. Thus,
missing body areas can lead to interference by
those associated brain areas trying to
cope with stimulus deprivation - eg. "cross-wiring."
However, we are still left with the problem of treating
pain in a body-part that no longer exists. Dr.
 Ramachandran found that placing the remaining
opposite body part (eg. hand) into a mirror-box
 fools the mind into receiving feedback
 from the missing part and no longer sending
ever-increasing (and unmet) signals that cause the pain.
Visual activities take up almost half the human
 brain. Dr. Ramachandran is confronted with an
individual who can "see" (detect) movement but not
 recognize what the object is. His explanation
 is that there are two pathways from the eye in
 humans: one to the visual cortex that recognizes
 the object, and other to the brain stem that simply
senses movement. Thus, when the visual
 cortex link is severed, one would only be able to
 recognize movement of a fly, but not the fly
itself - perhaps the way a lizard views the world.
Similarly, he says to driving - most of the
 time it is done without consciousness while
 the conscious
brain is taken up in talking of other thinking.
Dr. Ramachandran believes that there are some
30 areas in the brain concerned with seeing -
separate areas for color, movement,
 shape, distance and depth perception, etc.
Interference/damage to any one of these areas
 can lead to oddities - eg. an individual believing
 his parents are
impostors when the emotional response area is cut.
Finally, viewers are told that some people with temporal seizures have intense religious or emotional experiences, possibly believing they are a prophet or even God, or sensing an intense emotional reaction to everything - even a grain of sand.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 55 minutes)

Prophets of Doom Documentary

Prophets of Doom

Today's world has troubles         
unique to its time in history,
from the global financial
crisis to technological
meltdowns to full scale,
 computerized global war.
Observing the convergence
of such events, contemporary
 prophets have begun to emerge    
from obscurity to suggest that
these conditions might be signs
of the demise of the modern world.
These men are historians as well,
using all manner of information and
 patterns from the past to provide
context for where we are going.
Their predictions interpret the
 current state of affairs in our
 world as evidence that the        
America we know may come
 to an end.
The men proposing these
ideas are not crackpots living
on the streets of New York; they
are intelligent, learned men who
come armed with the evidence
to back up their claims.
Watch the full documentary now

Seeing Stars Documentary

Seeing StarsAround the world, a new generation
astronomers are hunting for the most
mysterious objects in the universe.
Young stars, black holes, even other
forms of life.
They have created a dazzling new
set of super-telescopes that promise
 to rewrite the story of the heavens.
This film follows the men and women who are
pushing the limits of science and engineering
in some of the most extreme environments on
earth. But most strikingly of all, no-one really
knows what they will find out there.
Watch the full documentary now

100 Greatest Discoveries: Origins And Evolution Documentary

100 Greatest Discoveries - Origins And EvolutionThis show attempts to explain our deep psychological questions such as, why we exist, why we try to stay alive and how we try to understand planets, other ecosystems, environment and species. From explaining  themisconceived bacterial sludge to deep sea chemosynthesis, or from the theory of comets, volcanoes and an explosion bigger than all nuclear forces, this documentary, hosted by Bill Nye, is an important summary of popular and common science theories .
This documentary discusses such topics as Charles Walcott’s analysis of the Burgess Shale; the Linnaean classification system; Darwin’s theory of natural selection; Donald Johanson’s "Lucy"; Mary Leakey’s Laetoli footprints; and Michel Brunet’s Toumai skull."
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Invisible Worlds Documentary

Invisible Worlds

Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds is a BBC television documentary programme presented by Richard Hammond that features state-of-the-art camera technology used to focus on what humans cannot see with the naked eye. It is one series long consisting of three episodes.

1. Speed Limits - Richard Hammond explores the extraordinary wonders of the world of detail hidden in the blink of an eye. The human eye takes about fifty milliseconds to blink. But it takes our brain around a hundred and fifty milliseconds to process what we see. We're not aware of this time lag going on, but in those few milliseconds, there are extraordinary things happening that completely pass us by. But what if we could break through this speed limit? Bend and stretch time in ways never thought possible.

What new marvels would we see? Now, using the latest high-speed cameras, Richard takes us on a journey beyond our eye's limits, letting us see secrets hidden in every element of our planet. A world where thin air can shatter rock. And water can tear through metal. A world where the fastest thing on earth lies right beneath our feet. And where a spectacular celestial display is finally captured, even though many have claimed it doesn't even exist.
2. Out of Sight - The human eye is a remarkable piece of precision engineering, but it is also extremely limited. Beyond the narrow range of light that makes up the familiar colours of the rainbow is a vast spectrum of light, entirely unseen. But what if we could see beyond the narrow boundaries of our eyes and peer into this invisible realm? Richard Hammond does just that, using groundbreaking new imaging technologies to take the viewer on a breathtaking journey of discovery beyond the visible spectrum, seeing the world, quite literally, in a whole new light.
From death-defying aerial repairmen in the United States using ultraviolet cameras to seek out an invisible force that lurks unseen on power lines, to German scientists unlocking the secrets of animal locomotion with the world's most powerful moving x-ray camera, to infrared cameras that can finally reveal the secrets within a humble beehive, he shows how new technologies are letting us see our world anew.

3. Off the Scale - The human eye can see extraordinary detail, but the eye of a needle held at arm's length is pretty much at the limit of our vision. Anything smaller is simply invisible, at least to the naked eye.?But what if we could see this hidden world all around us in greater detail and magnification than ever before? How different would our familiar surroundings then seem? Richard Hammond explores the astonishing miniature universe all around us, revealing that small is not only beautiful, it can also be very, very powerful?
From seeing the microscopic changes to ice crystals that can trigger an avalanche to watching in horror the invisible aftermath of a sneeze on a commuter train and learning how the surface of an ordinary-looking plant hides an astounding secret that will make walking on the moon safer, Richard harnesses cutting-edge technologies to transport the viewer into a spectacular micro realm.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 2 hours, 56 minutes)

Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising's Image of Women Documentary

Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising's Image of Women 

To a great extent, advertising tells us who we are and who we should be. What does advertising tell us today about women? It tells us just as did it 10 and 20 and 30 years ago that what's most important about women is 

how we look. The first thing the advertisers do is surround us with the image of ideal female beauty so we all learn how important it is for a women to be beautiful and exactly what it takes. Jean Kilbourne continues her groundbreaking analysis of advertising's depiction of women in this most recent update of her pioneering Killing Us Softly series. In fascinating detail, Kilbourne decodes an array of print and television advertisements to reveal a pattern of disturbing and destructive gender stereotypes. Her analysis challenges us to consider the relationship between advertising and broader issues of culture, identity, sexism, and gender violence.

Sections: Does the beauty ideal still tyrannize women? | Does advertising still objectify women's bodies? | Are the twin themes of liberation and weight control still linked? | Is sexuality still presented as women's main concern? | Are young girls still sexualized? | Are grown women infantilized? | Are images of male violence against women still used to sell products?

Watch the full documentary now

Louis Theroux's African Hunting Holiday Documentary

Louis Theroux's African Hunting Holiday

Louis Theroux journeys to the centre of the controversial South African hunting industry. It's big business, attracting thousands of holiday hunters annually. Keeping wild animals fenced in on farms has made it cheaper and easier to hunt than ever before, but Louis discovers that this industry, instead of endangering species, has actually increased animal numbers. Staying at a safari hunting lodge, Louis hears that each kill has a price. The potential shopping list is endless, ranging from $250 for a porcupine to $100,000 for a rhino. It's a hunter's paradise.

This is a very popular tourist attraction - particularly among Americans. Louis meets such visitors and tries to understand their motivation to kill for pleasure, joining them as they go hunting. He meets novice hunter Ann-Marie, who originally only came to accompany her husband but gets caught up in the excitement and decides she wants to try to hunt an animal herself. She tells Louis that, apparently, your first kill is a total rush - although she would worry about killing a zebra as it's too much like a horse.

Two of the local landowners, Piet Venter and Piet Warren, breed animals for hunting and have a perhaps surprising sensitivity towards the animals they've raised. They take particular care to try to ensure any animal is killed swiftly so they suffer minimal trauma. Former vet Lolly Fourie, who allows hunting on his land, explains how he no longer hunts as he gets no pleasure from it nowadays. Hearing their arguments in favour of the industry, Louis arranges to go on a hunt of his own. Unsure if he really can pull the trigger, as he looks at a wart-hog down the arrow of a crossbow he faces his beliefs head on and must make the decision...
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The Day of the Dollar Documentary

The Day of the Dollar

Do we live on a bubble? Is it possible for the heavily indebted American economy to collapse and take all of us down in a free fall with it? Have the days of the dollar been counted? Is it really unimaginable that we will see the time of the Great Depression repeating itself?

VPRO Backlight and Dutch national newspaper NRC Handelsblad present this 'what if' scenario. What if the dollar collapses? Fiction meets facts in this 24 hour scenario. At 9AM a Singapore trader is ordered to sell a large amount of dollars, which sends off the enormous downfall of the dollar.

This film shows the results for the world economy every following hour. It ends in Amsterdam, where the only currency accepted by a taxi driver is cigarettes...
History seems to have caught up with this 2005 film, though in slow-motion... Includes interview with annalist Stephen Roach, Andy Xie, Maarten Schinkel, Cees Maas, Rob de Wijk and Kees Vendrik.
Watch the full documentary now

Most of the Universe is Missing Documentary

Most of the Universe is Missing

A fantastic Horizon (one of my favorites) that looks into the research on Dark Matter (with a twist of comedy to it!)... We know what 4% of the Universe is made of. But what about the rest?

There was a time, not so long ago, when science seemed to understand how the universe worked. Everything – us, the Earth, the stars and even exotic-sounding supernova – was made of atoms which were all created at time-zero: the Big Bang. In between the atoms was nothing, a void: quite literally, 'space'.

But recently things have started to unravel. There is, it seems, a lot more to the universe than meets the eye. According to the best estimates, we only really know what about 4% of it is made of.
But if only 4% is made of atoms, what about the rest? The rest is made of mysterious entities about which very little is understood, with equally mysterious names: dark matter and dark energy.
Watch the full documentary now

Supernatural Science: Previous Lives Documentary

Supernatural Science: Previous Lives

Millions believe in reincarnation. Is there proof that is really happens?

Do people pass through many lifetimes and can they bring back memories from having lived before?

Therapies now encouraging people to relive their violent moments of their deaths in previous lives.
But what can be known for certain. Scientists are trying to assess the evidence from those who’ve claimed to have live before.
Will they proof the case for reincarnation and reveal what brings those memories to the human mind?
Watch the full documentary now

Light Fantastic Documentary

Light Fantastic

God is light. In all cultures, there's an intimate association between illumination and divinity, between life and creation.


Light is color. Light is energy. It fuels life and it feeds the spirit. It inspires art, religion, and science. Light holds the secrets of the universe. For thousands of years, humanity has tried to unlock the mysteries of light in its' search for the nature of God himself.

Light Fantastic explores the phenomenon that surrounds and affects nearly every aspect of our lives but one which we take for granted - light.
1. Let There Be Light. Greek and Arab scholars, and later Europeans such as Descartes and Newton all tried to understand light to gain a better understanding of God. Episode one shows how much of modern science's origins came from the desire to penetrate the divine nature of light.
2. The Light of Reason. The second programme explores the link between the development of practical tools that manipulate light and the emergence of new ideas. For example, Galileo's observation that the sun did not go around the earth, was made with a telescope that had been invented for Venetian soldiers and traders.
3. The Stuff of Light. Episode three charts the discovery of the true nature of light and its impact on the modern world. All of today's technologies - electricity, mobile communications and our ability to illuminate the world 24 hours a day - stem from unravelling the mystery of light.
4. Light, The Universe and Everything. In the final programme Simon Schaffer finds that as more people were able to manipulate light, the more puzzling and tricky it became. This led to investigations into the strange relationship between light, the eye and the mind, and the development of new technology such as photography and cinema.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 4 hours)

Web 3.0 Documentary

Web 3.0

A short story about the Semantic Web. Some Internet experts believe the next generation of the Web - Web 3.0 - will make tasks like your search for movies and food faster and easier. Instead of multiple searches, you might type a complex sentence or two in your Web 3.0 browser, and the Web will do the rest.

For example, you could type "I want to see a funny movie and then eat at a good Mexican restaurant. What are my options?" The Web 3.0 browser will analyze your response, search the Internet for all possible answers, and then organize the results for you.­

That's not all. Many of these experts believe that the Web 3.0 browser will act like a personal assistant. As you search the Web, the browser learns what you are interested in. The more you use the Web, the more your browser learns about you and the less specific you'll need to be with your questions.
Eventually you might be able to ask your browser open questions like "where should I go for lunch?" Your browser would consult its records of what you like and dislike, take into account your current location and then suggest a list of restaurants.
Watch the full documentary now

Evolutions documentary


Using CGI and fossil evidence, Evolutions demonstrates nature’s survival of the fittest in action.

This three-part series illuminates unique and bizarre evolutionary journeys that have brought forth some of the world’s most impressive animals.

We unearth a 50-million-year-old mystery mammal, discover the missing link between the velociraptor and modern day birds, and find out if a new bear species could be about to evolve before our very eyes.
The Walking Whale. 50 million years ago, a hungry land animal waded in shallow sea water. Four million years later, it lived permanently in the oceans and seas of planet earth. Using cutting edge CGI, this film follows the extraordinary evolution of a land animal into the modern whale.
Bear Necessities. This is the story of how a small dog-like animal descended from the trees 30 million years ago to become the most diverse and dispersed family of wild animals on earth today.
Dino Turkey. Great Transformations focuses on some of evolution's most important changes-among them the development of the four-limbed body plan, the journey of animal life from water to land, the return of mammals to the sea, and the emergence of humans.
Watch the full documentary now (playlist - 2 hours, 22 minutes


Science of Surveillance Documentary

Science of Surveillance

From every cell phone call to every credit card swipe, we leave an electronic trail. But at what price?

Explorer takes viewers into the disturbing world of surveillance technology and scans the latest and future technologies used to even spy on the private lives of citizens.

From London's CCTVs to infra-technology equipped helicopters that search the streets of New York City, the documentary shows the inner workings of these surveillance systems.
In today's information-overloaded and fear-driven society, surveillance technology seems to be deployed almost everywhere - and a surveillance mind-set is just as ubiquitous.
This program introduces the concept of a "surveillance society" and shows how cutting-edge tools are being developed to identify, monitor, and track both people and objects.
Viewers are empowered to explore the central paradox of surveillance technology, that it seems to bring advantages, making us safer and our lives more convenient, but at what cost to privacy and individual freedoms?
Watch the full documentary now

Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification Documentary

Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification

This documentary explores the startling phenomenon of ocean acidification, which may soon challenge marine life on a scale not seen for tens of millions of years.

The film was made to raise awareness about the largely unknown problem of ocean acidification, which poses a fundamental challenge to life in the seas and the health of the entire planet.

Like global warming, ocean acidification stems from the increase of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere since the start of the Industrial Revolution.
Leading scientific experts on the problem, many of whom appear in the film, believe that it's possible to cut back on global warming pollution, improve the overall health and durability of our oceans, and prevent serious harm to our world, but only if action is taken quickly and decisively.
Watch the full documentary now

Biggest Things in Space Documentary

Biggest Things in Space

We can't compare anything on earth to the biggest things known in space. The Lymann Alpha blob is a bubble like structure containing countless galaxies - perhaps the biggest object in the entire universe

Regions of radio-emitting gas called "radio lobes" could be even bigger. Then there are super galaxy clusters which are hundreds of galaxies merged together due to cosmic collisions.

Discover which is the largest planet, star, star cluster, constellation, black hole, volcano, galaxy, explosions, moon, storm, impact crater and "void" in space.
Watch the full documentary now

The Sakawa Boys: Internet Scamming in Ghana Documentary

The Sakawa Boys: Internet Scamming in Ghana

Fraudsters in Ghana show us how they use internet scams to steal thousands of dollars from unsuspecting victims all over the globe.

While Nigeria's scammers may have written the book on West African internet fraud, their shtick looks like CompuServe compared to what's going on in Ghana

Unsatisfied with the meager winnings from emailing thousands of random Westerners in hopes of convincing one poor sap they're the treasurer of the Ivory Coast, Ghana's scammers decided to stack the odds in their favor the old-fashioned way - witchcraft.
Taking a page from cyberpunk, traditional West African Juju priests adapted their services to the needs of the information age and started leading down-on-their-luck internet scammers through strange and costly rituals designed to increase their powers of persuasion and make their emails irresistible to greedy Americans.
Watch the full documentary now -

Reach for the Skies Documentary

Reach for the SkiesIt's been billed as the smartest jet fighter on the planet, designed to strike enemies in the air and on the ground without being detected by radar.

But after a decade of intensive development, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is over budget, a long way behind schedule and described by one expert as "big, fat and draggy". So is this plane a super fighter or a massive waste of money?

Is this plane a super fighter or a massive waste of money? Reporter Andrew Fowler travels to the United States in search of answers. He goes to Lockheed Martin's top secret factory in Texas

He also secured the first television interview with the Pentagon's new head man on the project, whose candid assessment of the JSF would chill many in the Defence Department: "Well let's make no mistake about it. This program still has risks, technical risks, it has cost issues, it has problems we'll have to fix in the future."
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3D Printed Guns Documentary

3D Printed GunsPeople have figured out how to print a semi-automatic rifle from the comfort of their own home. Now they're putting all the information online so that others will join them

This is a story about the rapid evolution of a technology that has forced the American legal system to play catch up. Cody Wilson, a 25 year old University of Texas Law student, is an advocate for the open source production of firearms using 3D printing technology.

This makes him a highly controversial figure on both sides of the gun control issue. Motherboard sat down with Cody in Austin, Texas to talk about the constitution, the legal system, and to watch him make and test-fire a 3D-printed gun.
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Panopticon Documentary

PanopticonControl on our daily lives increases and privacy is disappearing. How is this exactly happening and in which way will it effect all our lives? A film about the rise of the surveillance state into your life.

Technology is becoming better and more interesting every day. And more important. We are the digital generation. We can have more freedom. We can become smarter. We can be more creative. We are one, with our friends. We are living the techno dream... right

On the question whether our privacy is important, Dutch people say 'No' more than any other European nation. How is that possible? Peter decided to investigate, what the current state of privacy in his nation is. Are we being watched?
Watch the full documentary now -

Who Killed America's Biggest Gadget? Documentary

Who Killed America's Biggest Gadget?

The hunt for the Higgs boson, god particle or goddamn particle, the one that gives things mass, came closer to an end.

Physicists at CERN's Large Hadron Collider in Europe, the world's largest particle accelerator, found evidence of the particle and its energy field. But the LHC didn't do it alone

The search has been a massive, costly and unprecedented international effort that began thousands of miles away, at another atom smasher beneath the Illinois prairie.

The main achievement the Tevatron was discovery in 1995 of the top quark—the last fundamental fermion predicted by the standard model of the particle physics.
The Tevatron ceased operations on 30 September, 2011, due to budget cuts and because of the completion of the LHC, which began operations in early 2010 and was far more powerful.
The main ring of the Tevatron will probably be reused in future experiments, and its components may be transferred to other particle accelerators.
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